Carbon substrates exert a stronger role than mineral nitrogen application in structuring soil diazotroph communities during Chinese milk vetch growth
文献类型: 外文期刊
作者: Yang, Lu 1 ; Rees, Robert M. 3 ; Nie, Jun 4 ; Xu, Changxu 5 ; Cao, Weidong 2 ;
作者机构: 1.Peking Univ, Coll Urban & Environm Sci, Beijing 100871, Peoples R China
2.Chinese Acad Agr Sci, Inst Agr Resources & Reg Planning, Beijing 100081, Peoples R China
3.Scotlands Rural Coll SRUC, West Mains Rd, Edinburgh EH9 3JG, Midlothian, Scotland
4.Hunan Acad Agr Sci, Soil & Fertilizer Inst Hunan Prov, Changsha 410125, Peoples R China
5.Jiangxi Acad Agr Sci, Inst Soil & Fertilizer & Resources & Environm, Nanchang 330200, Jiangxi, Peoples R China
6.Nanjing Agr Univ, Coll Resources & Environm Sci, Nanjing 210095, Peoples R China
关键词: Carbon availability; Diazotroph; Glucose; Nitrogen availability; Rice straw
期刊名称:APPLIED SOIL ECOLOGY ( 影响因子:4.046; 五年影响因子:4.884 )
ISSN: 0929-1393
年卷期: 2021 年 158 卷
收录情况: SCI
摘要: Carbon (C) quality and quantity and nitrogen (N) availability are known to play a crucial role in influencing diazotroph community structure in soils and they are commonly affected by crop residue management and fertilizer application. However, a full understanding of how C and N interactions contribute to shaping soil diazotroph communities remains elusive. An experiment comparing two different C substrates (rice straw vs. glucose) plus low to high rates of mineral N application was conducted in two paddy soils with contrasting pH (pH = 6.05 and 7.85) with Chinese milk vetch (CMV) growth. Soils were sampled during the full blooming stage of CMV and diazotroph community structure was characterized using the nifH marker gene. The results showed that the diazotroph community responded differently to C substrates (straw and glucose) depending upon the C availability. In both soils, mineral N addition decreased nifH gene copy numbers in the straw-included treatments, but not in the glucose-included soils. Compared to the straw-included soils, glucose addition resulted in less alpha-diversity of diazotroph. Meanwhile, diazotroph community structure was clustered into different groups by the C sources, and marginally affected by N levels. These results suggested that the responses of the diazotroph community to N supply were regulated by C availability. Glucose addition decreased the relative abundance of Bradyrhizobium compared to straw incorporation (16.0%-25.9% vs. 19.5%-38.2%), but significantly increased the abundance of the second most dominant genus Geobacter (12.8%-23.7% vs. 4.1%-8.7%). In addition, the diazotroph diversity and community structure were less responsive to straw, glucose and mineral N addition in the lower vs. high pH soils. Overall, the results suggest that the responses of diazotrophs to N availability rely on C availability in paddy soils, and that C substrates exert a stronger influence than mineral N application in structuring diazotroph communities.
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