Effects of 29-year long-term fertilizer management on soil phosphorus in double-crop rice system
文献类型: 外文期刊
Lv, Zhenzhen
Liu, Xiumei
Hou, Hongqian
Liu, Yiren
Ji, Jianhua
Lan, Xianjin
Feng, Zhaobin
作者机构: 1.Jiangxi Acad Agr Sci, Inst Soil Fertilizer & Resource Environm, Nanchang, Jiangxi, Peoples R China
关键词: organic-inorganic fertilizers; agronomic thresholds; evolution; Chinese milk vetch; pig manure
期刊名称:PLANT SOIL AND ENVIRONMENT ( 影响因子:1.799; 五年影响因子:2.169 )
ISSN: 1214-1178
年卷期: 2018 年 64 卷 5 期
收录情况: SCI
摘要: Rational soil phosphorus (P) management is significant to crop production and environment protection. Little information is available on soil Olsen-P balance and critical values in double-crop rice in China. The main aim of the study was to relate soil Olsen-P to apparent P balance and to determine Olsen-P critical value for early and late rice using data from a 29-year study (1984-2012) at the Jiangxi province. The results showed that Olsen-P decreased by 0.12-0.26 mg/kg/year without P addition and increased by 0.56-2.52 mg/kg/year with P fertilization. Olsen-P decreased by 0.30 mg/kg for CK and NK under an average deficit of 100 kg P/ha, and increased by an average of 9.10 mg/kg in treatments with organic manures and were 4.55 times higher than chemical fertilizers with 100 kg/ha of P surplus. The critical values for early and late rice were 22.70 and 22.67 mg/kg, respectively. The average Olsen-P content is 90.89 mg/kg after 29-year application of chemical fertilizer and manures. Therefore, decreasing the amount of total P input and increasing the compost portion should be recommended to improve food production and protect environment in red paddy soils in south China.
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