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Monitoring of the functional properties and unfolding change of Ovalbumin after DHPM treatment by HDX and FTICR MS Functionality and unfolding of Oval after DHPM by HDX and FTICR MS

文献类型: 外文期刊

作者: Liu, Guang-xian 1 ; Tu, Zong-cai 1 ; Wang, Hui 2 ; Zhang, Lu 1 ; Huang, Tao 2 ; Ma, Da 2 ;

作者机构: 1.Jiangxi Normal Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Funct Small Organ Mol, Nanchang 330022, Jiangxi, Peoples R China

2.Nanchang Univ, State Key Lab Food Sci & Technol, Nanchang 330047, Jiangxi, Peoples R China

3.Jiangxi Acad Agr Sci, Nanchang 330200, Jiangxi, Peoples R China

关键词: DHPM;Ovalbumin;HDX FTICR MS;Unfolding;3D structure

期刊名称:FOOD CHEMISTRY ( 影响因子:7.514; 五年影响因子:7.516 )




收录情况: SCI

摘要: Dynamic high-pressure microfluidizaiton (DHPM) induced unfolding of proteins and enzymes could enhance the functional properties and hydrolytic ability of the molecules. In this study, the effect of DHPM on the surface activities of Ovalbumin (Oval), namely foaming and emulsifying properties, was investigated at 0, 40, 80, 120 and 160 MPa. Improvement in the foaming and emulsifying properties was observed at 120 and 80 MPa, respectively. Hydrogen/deuterium exchange (HDX) coupled with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy mass spectrometry (FTICR MS) was performed to investigate the exact unfolded region of Oval and analyze the mechanism promoting the foaming and emulsifying properties after 120 and 80 MPa, respectively, compared with those at 0 MPa. Prevalent unfolding of Oval after 80 and 120 MPa treatment was revealed by HDX-MS, indicating a more flexible conformation induced by DHPM. However, lower deuterium incorporation was observed for the large six-stranded beta-sheet. Therefore, the combined forces could enhance the flexibility and surface activities of Oval, which increased its foaming and emulsifying properties. (C) 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

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