文献类型: 外文期刊
作者: Gao, Jinbo 1 ; Zhou, Wenjun 1 ; Liu, Yuntong 1 ; Zhu, Jing 3 ; Sha, Liqing 1 ; Song, Qinhai 1 ; Ji, Hongli 1 ; Lin, Youxi 1 ;
作者机构: 1.Chinese Acad Sci, Key Lab Trop Forest Ecol, Xishuangbanna Trop Bot Garden, Mengla 666303, Peoples R China
2.Chinese Ecosystem Res Net, Xishuangbanna Stn Trop Rain Forest Ecosyst Studie, Mengla 666303, Peoples R China
3.Guangxi Normal Univ, Guilin 541004, Peoples R China
4.Jiangxi Acad Agr Sci, Inst Crops, Nanchang 330200, Jiangxi, Peoples R China
5.Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Geog Sci & Nat Resources Res, Beijing 100101, Peoples R China
6.Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Appl Ecol, Key Lab Forest Ecol & Management, Shenyang 110016, Liaoning, Peoples R China
7.Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Atmospher Phys, State Key Lab Atmospher Boundary Layer Phys & Atm, Beijing 100029, Peoples R China
8.Univ Edinburgh, Sch GeoSci, Edinburgh EH9 3FF, Midlothian, Scotland
9.Univ Chinese Acad Sci, Beijing 100049, Peoples R China
关键词: litter removal; nutrient efflux; litter-decomposed carbon; litter-decomposed nitrogen; N2O emissions; tropical rainforest
期刊名称:ECOSYSTEMS ( 影响因子:4.217; 五年影响因子:4.776 )
ISSN: 1432-9840
年卷期: 2018 年 21 卷 5 期
收录情况: SCI
摘要: Litter inputs are expected to have a strong impact on soil N2O efflux. This study aimed to assess the effects of the litter decomposition process and nutrient efflux from litter to soil on soil N2O efflux in a tropical rainforest. A paired study with a control (L) treatment and a litter-removed (NL) treatment was followed for 2 years, continuously monitoring the effects of these treatments on soil N2O efflux, fresh litter input, decomposed litter carbon (LCI) and nitrogen (LNI), soil nitrate (NO3 (-)-N), ammonium (NH4 (+)-N), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and dissolved nitrogen (DN). Soil N2O flux was 0.48 and 0.32 kg N2O-N ha(-1) year(-1) for the L and NL treatments, respectively. Removing the litter caused a decrease in the annual soil N2O emission by 33%. The flux values from the litter layer were higher in the rainy season as compared to the dry season (2.10 +/- 0.28 vs. 1.44 +/- 0.35 mu g N m(-2) h(-1)). The N2O fluxes were significantly correlated with the soil NO3 (-)-N contents (P < 0.05), indicating that the N2O emission was derived mainly from denitrification as well as other NO3 (-) reduction processes. Suitable soil temperature and moisture sustained by rainfall were jointly attributed to the higher soil N2O fluxes of both treatments in the rainy season. The N2O fluxes from the L were mainly regulated by LCI, whereas those from the NL were dominated jointly by soil NO3 (-) content and temperature. The effects of LCI and LNI on the soil N2O fluxes were the greatest in the 2 months after litter decomposition. Our results show that litter may affect not only the variability in the quantity of N2O emitted, but also the mechanisms that govern N2O production. However, further studies are still required to elucidate the impacting mechanisms of litter decomposition on N2O emission from tropical forests.
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