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No effect of Bt-transgenic rice litter on the meiobenthos community in field ditches

文献类型: 外文期刊

作者: Liu, Yongbo 1 ; Jiang, Wanxiang 2 ; Liang, Yuyong 3 ; Zhao, Caiyun 1 ; Li, Junsheng 1 ;

作者机构: 1.Chinese Res Inst Environm Sci, State Key Lab Environm Criteria & Risk Assessment, Beijing 100012, Peoples R China

2.Zaozhuang Univ, Coll Life Sci, Zaozhuang, Shandong, Peoples R China

3.Jiangxi Acad Agr Sci, Inst Plant Protect, Nanchang, Jiangxi, Peoples R China

关键词: aquatic ecosystems;Bt-transgenic rice;meiobenthos community;non-target effects;plant litter

期刊名称:PEST MANAGEMENT SCIENCE ( 影响因子:4.845; 五年影响因子:4.674 )




收录情况: SCI

摘要: BACKGROUNDThe non-target effect of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) toxins in aquatic ecosystems is crucial to improve the present assessment of Bt-transgenic plants, particularly where crops are cultivated near aquatic ecosystems. We conducted decomposition experiments during two growing seasons to determine the effects of Bt-transgenic rice litter with and without insecticide application on the meiobenthos communities in a field ditch.

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